Monday, January 30, 2012

Cell Phones Can Cause Cancer: How to Protect Yourself.

'1. Use a Headset
You'll get far less radiation exposure from a headset than from a phone pressed to your ear. Check out some Bluetooth headsets that fared well in PCWorld's tests . Another option is to use your speakerphone (behind closed doors, please).If that's not possible, follow the manual. Apple, for instance, suggests holding an iPhone 0.625 inch away from your head.

2. Keep the Phone at Arm's Length
Would-be parents might be wise to keep smartphones out of pockets or belt holsters, since reputable studies of men who use cell phones link frequent usage with a decrease in sperm count and quality. For obvious reasons, there haven't been lab tests exploring how cell phone radiation may affect developing fetuses. But if you're pregnant, you're already avoiding tuna and soft cheese, so why risk holding a phone close to your belly?

3. Text, Don't Talk
Text messaging involves less radiation than does making a phone call. (Just don't text while walking, since bumping your head will hurt you much more quickly than any wireless radiation might.)

4. Turn It Off
Even if you check your work e-mail at midnight, there's little need to keep your phone turned on 24/7. (The science may be fuzzy on mobile phone radiation, but stress and sleep deprivation clearly harm your health.) Instead of keeping your handset by your pillow for a wake-up call, use a dedicated alarm clock.

5. Keep That Charger Handy
When the battery is running low or you're in a low-signal area, the phone works overtime and may expose you to more radiation.

6. Look for Phones With Low SAR Levels
I have mixed feelings about offering this advice. Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) levels are supposed to indicate how much radiofrequency energy a body absorbs from a device. Yet these labels are not like calorie counts on a TV dinner. The level isn't necessarily what you get when chatting, texting, or playing an app on a given phone. Each of those activities involves constantlyvarying levels of power and signal strength. The FCC explains more about what SAR levels mean . That said, CNet frequently updates its list of the highest- and lowest-radiation phones.

6. Keep Cell Phones Out of the Hands of Children
If non-ionizing radiation affects adult brains in ways we still don't fully understand, it's likely to affect children even more because their skulls and brains are still developing. The key recommendation here: Don't treat a cell phone asa toy. If you're letting your toddler play with it anyway, at least turn it off or shut off the signal.

7. Don't Believe the Hype About Radiation-blocking Products
Countless ads hawk devices meant to protect your body from electromagnetic frequencies (EMF). However, there's no conclusive evidence that an EMF medallion or sticker will work as advertised or even work at all. In fact, some of these products can force a phone to do more work and emit more radiation to compensate for a blocked signal.

Friday, January 6, 2012

NECTA CSEE 2011 RESULTS. Matokeo ya Mtihani Wa Kidato Cha Nne 2011 yakaribia.

Baraza la mitihani Tanzania ( NECTA) linatarajia kutangaza matokeo ya mtihani wa kidato cha nne (form four) kwa watahiniwa wa shule na wa kujitegemea waliofanya mitihani yao Octoba 2011.
Matokeo hayo yanatarajiwa muda wowote baada ya terehe 15 Jan 2012 na yatapatikana kwenye mtandao katika tovuti ya necta mara tu baada ya kutangazwa.
**Matokeo ya CSEE mwaka juzi yalitangazwa rasmi tarehe 27 Januari 2011.

We all deserve a laugh: Good clean jokes.

Good jokes are good because not only it will bring laughter to the people, but it will also not offend other people. Good jokes or commonly called cleanjokes are those that don't contain a foul and green intent. They share humor that can be presented to all kinds of age, whether you are a child who understands the concept of the joke, or an adult. Mark Twain is of those who write good jokes; he is an American author as well as a humorist. An example of his works would be the Adventures of Huckleberry Fin, and the Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
There are many types of jokes that are made, one example is the Question and Answer (Q&A) jokes. These are some examples of Q&A jokes:
Q: "Where do you find a no legged dog?" A:"Right where you left him."

Q:"What do get from a pampered cow?" A:"Spoiled milk."

Q:"How do crazy people go through the forest?" A:"They take the psycho path."

Q:"What do you call a cheese that isn't yours?" A:"Nacho cheese."

Q:"Why don't blind people like to sky dive?" A:"Because it scares the dog."

There are also one-liner jokes that are short but deliver the humor through the straight to the pointpunch line. Here are some examples for one-liner jokes:
"Boys are like parking spaces, the good ones are take-in!!!"
"The Magician was driving down the road… then he turned into a driveway."
"To a worm, digging in the hard ground is more relaxing than going fishing."
"I believe in dragons, good men, and other fantasy creatures."
"No more about Elvis, OK? Thankyouvermuch."
"I finally got my head together, now my body is falling apart."

Meanwhile, there are also Good Jokes that depict a story and at the end of the story is the punch line. They usually portray people with their stupidity and dullness which makes people laugh at the end.Here are some examples of short story jokes:
Windy Tale?
"Three retirees, each with hearing loss, were playing golf one fine March day. One remarked to the other , 'Windy, isn't it?' 'No,' the second man replied, 'it's Thursday.' The third man chimed in, 'So am I. Let's have a beer.'"

Secret Service?
"A Friend was in front of me coming out of church one day, and the preacher was standing at the dooras he always is to shake hands. He grabbed my friend by the hand and pulled him aside: The pastor said to him, 'You need to join the Army of the Lord!' My friend replied, 'I'm already in the Army of the Lord, Pastor.' Pastor questioned, 'How come I don't see you except at Christmas and Easter?' He whispered back, 'I'm in the secret service.'"

"'You should be ashamed,' the father told his son, Andy, 'When Abraham Lincoln was your age, he used to walk ten miles everyday to get to school.' 'Really?' Andy responded. 'Well, when he was your age, he was president.'

There are many Good Jokes that are very funny to hear yet is clean and available for all to hear. Your funny experiences in your life can also be made into a joke so that you can make people laugh. Justbe happy and make people laugh because as the saying goes by Mark Twain "The human race has only one really effective weapon and that is laughter."

Top Five Things People Like To Write On Someone’s Facebook Wall

1. Miss your FACE girlie. Drinks soon?
Facebook is a place for you to communicate with lingering bugaboos and friends on the periphery. In fact, if I write on your wall, chances are it's because we aren't good friends. I can't remember the last time I wrote on my BFF's walls something like, "hey babe! how r u?" Why? BECAUSE I ALREADY KNOW. We just hung out and got frozen yogurt together, hello!

2. Um, did last night even happen? FML. So hungover.
People like to let everyone know on the Internet just how hard they partied last night (it was really hard). Facebook wall posts that discuss the shenanigans of the night before are usually cloaked in vague references and inside jokes. This is meant to pique the interest of lurkers everywhere. "OMG, I wonder what they did last night. Didthey just make a thinly-veiled reference to doing blow?! Jelly…" It can inspire a pretty lengthy comment thread (ex: "I can't move.""Really? I'm still drunk.") and it's basically just a giant bragfest. When I was 19, the FB wall brag was my jam but making mistakes at 24 is far more embarrassing and needs to be covered up immediately.

3. It's our one year, honey. I am so madly in love with you. You light up my life. Every day is a dream with you. See you in 30 minutes. Do you want to do Italian tonight?
Couples gushing about each other on their Facebook walls should be illegal. Like Time Warner Cable or Comcast needs to come to their door, find their router and smash it into a million pieces while screaming, "GO TOYOUR ROOM AND DON'T COME OUT UNTIL YOU'VE REALIZED THE ERROR OF YOUR WAYS!" It's the new form of PDA. If we thought smooching in public was bad, declarations of love and devotion on the internet is the absolute worst.

4. Will I see you at Christmas this year? Love to the family!
It's the best when an old person writes on atwenty-something's wall, especially if the twenty-something is trying to cultivate a cool internet image. They'll have cute polaroids of themselves and adorable wall postings by their equally adorable friends when all of a sudden Jean Record (whose default is a picture of her and a horse cropped poorly) comments something so real about their family. The jig is up, my friend! You have a family! You have an aunt who only knows you in the context of holidays and isn't even aware that you're sort of popular on the internet.

5. It's been ages. How ya been, man?
This falls in a similar category as "Miss your face girlie" but it's a little bit more removed.The person writing "miss your face girlie" probably hasn't seen you in one to two months whereas "How ya been, man?" hasn't seen you in YEARS. They're a random from high school who you were maybe close with for like a sec and now you have to respond with, "not much! just working at*insert job here* in *insert place here*. Finishing up school and thinking about grad school. You?" You obviously don't give a shitwhat this person is doing but Facebook has pinned you against a wall and you have no choice. You must fill your brain with more pointless information about people you never cared about. It's like an internet law.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


The simplest of things can have a great bearing on your well being, both physically and emotionally. A simple smile can make life much easier and brighter, and save you the heartache too..!!

Have you ever seen a kid smile.? Wat was your reaction..? Perhaps you smiled too, you got caught in the moment and forgot all your troubles. A smile from a friend or a loved one can do magic...why don't you then offer someone a little magic then huh..! SMILE at them, make them happy..

And even more important, give yourself that little bit of magic, you more than anyone deserves, yes yourself.. When you're down just go infront of a mirror and smile, it's as simple as that to get yourself going..! :)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


When talking about drugs, not many people would even think of mentioning coffee, but the reality is that CAFFEINE IS A DRUG AND IS ADDICTIVE and it's found in COFFEE in large quantity!

Come to think of it, caffeine really fits in with the basic definition of a drug (any substance which when enters the body of an organism, interferes with normal body functioning ).

Caffeine, a chemical compound found in many foods like COFFEE, tea, chocolate and other cola drinks affects normal body functions in the following ways;

1. Raises the blood pressure, hence further increasing the risk of hypertension or high blood pressure for people who are already hypertensive.

2. Increase nervous activity causinga person to be overstimulated and active.That's why many people use it to stay awake when concentrating on a certain activity.

3. Increase cholesterol levels in the blood.

4. Increase muscle contraction hence causing fatigue.

5. Harms pancrease and may lead to pancreatic cancer.

Apart from that, caffeine can also be very addictive, and with the addiction come so many problems so only have a cup or two....or maybe three but not more..

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

SUCCESS SECRETS: How to make a good first impression.

A wise guy once said "You can't get a second chance to make a good first impression," and yes was he right.!!
Once you ruin it on your first meeting with someone, it's done...that person will always hold that negative perspective of you..

So, to avoid all that, here are a few tips that have proven worthwile for all people, including you of course if you decide to give it a try.

Within the first minute of meeting someone;
1. Smile.
2. Use direct eye contact.
3. Shake hands firmly.
4. Use his/her name in a greeting.

By using those simple tips, success is almost guaranteed, whether its a job interview or anything else. But please remember to be NATURAL, don't overdo it since any wise person can notice when you're faking it.
So...give it a try., and then see the real meaning of success.


"Maji ni uhai.!" Hiyo ni kauli-mbiu ambayo wengi wetu tunaifahamu au sio.? Lakini ushawahi kuwaza kwamba maji yanaweza kuwa kifo.? NDIO!

Maji yanapotumiwa kwa kiasi kinachofaa, yana manufaa makubwa katika miili yetu. Lakini kunywa maji MENGI SANA kwa MUDA MFUPI kunaweza kuua kwani kunapunguza sana kiasi cha madini mwilini kwa muda mfupi na miili yetu haiwezi kustahimili badiliko hilo la ghafla.

Hivyo "kunywa kistaarabu", na sizungumzii maji hayahaya...rafiki wa afya na mazingira lakini ambaye anaweza kuwa muuaji hatari sana..!


Bila shaka ungekuwa na wasiwasi kujibu swali hilo..labda ukifikiri kwamba ni swali gumu sana. Labda ungefikiri, "Je, kweli najua.?" au "Mimi sijui mambo mengi".

Lakini ukweli ni kwamba wewe unajua mambo mengi sana ambayo watu wengine kama wapo wanaofahamu, basi ni wachache sana. Hivyo tunapaswa kujiamini ili tunapoulizwa Je, wajua.? tuseme ndio, NINAJUA..
Leo ningependa kuzungumzia jambo moja ambalo huenda hukujua, lakini sasa umejua..

Watu wengi huogopa kutumia simu za mkononi (cellphones) wakati wa radi kwa sababu ya hofu ya kwamba watapigwa na radi. Lakini ukweli ni kwamba simu za waya (cabled phones) ndizo zinazoweza kukupelekea kupigwa na radi kwani umeme wa radi unaweza kupita kwenye nyaya ya simu na kuleta madhara kwa mtumiaji. Lakini simu za mkononi zisizo na nyaya (wireless) ni SALAMA kabisa na hazina uhusiano na radi.!!

Hilo ni jambo moja ambalo umejua, umeliongeza kwenye mengi ambayo tayari unajua. Je, ungependa kujua zaidi.? Bila shaka ungependa.. Basi karibu tena wakati mwingine ambapo tutazidi kuhabarishana na kuchunguza mambo mengine mengi..

**Kwa swali, maoni au maelezo tafadhali tumia anuani ya barua pepe: au Pia nina patikana facebook,
