Wednesday, November 30, 2011


When talking about drugs, not many people would even think of mentioning coffee, but the reality is that CAFFEINE IS A DRUG AND IS ADDICTIVE and it's found in COFFEE in large quantity!

Come to think of it, caffeine really fits in with the basic definition of a drug (any substance which when enters the body of an organism, interferes with normal body functioning ).

Caffeine, a chemical compound found in many foods like COFFEE, tea, chocolate and other cola drinks affects normal body functions in the following ways;

1. Raises the blood pressure, hence further increasing the risk of hypertension or high blood pressure for people who are already hypertensive.

2. Increase nervous activity causinga person to be overstimulated and active.That's why many people use it to stay awake when concentrating on a certain activity.

3. Increase cholesterol levels in the blood.

4. Increase muscle contraction hence causing fatigue.

5. Harms pancrease and may lead to pancreatic cancer.

Apart from that, caffeine can also be very addictive, and with the addiction come so many problems so only have a cup or two....or maybe three but not more..